TOKYO ALIFE 2020 Ver.0
Heading to Tokyo ALIFE 2020, we will stream “傀儡神楽 ALTER the android KAGURA “and live-talk as “TOKYO ALIFE 2020 Ver.0” on DOMMUNE.
Musical numbers are; HOHAI-BUSHI (invitation for spirit) / KUGUTSU-UTA (from the animation movie “GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE”) / YOKAGURA-SERIUTA (celebration for life/requiem for the death).
Performed by; Alter (Android), Nishida-Shachu (Japanese Folklore/Soul singers), and Noboru Yasuda (Noh Actor) with his team.On this date, we were initially going to hold the international conference TOKYO ALIFE 2020, which turned out to be postponed because of the new-coronavirus.
However, we decided to stream this performance, on the same day of the conference, from the same venue without people.
傀儡 (KUGUTSU) means “a doll/dolls” in Japanese. 神楽(KAGURA) is a ceremonial ritual dance dedicated to spirits (KAMI). We hope this artwork is a piece of relief against the pain caused by the virus that many people around the world now suffer.
We’re also happy that this performance reminds people of a complex evolutionary history that emerged and formed during 13.7 billion years. Viruses have a much longer history than humans, evolving with 10000 times higher mutation rate.
ALIFE is an academic study that explores life, evolution, and information beyond the current human scale perspective. We hope to have a more fruitful discussion in September after everyone has overcome the situation.
Cast: Alter3 (Android), Nishida Shachu (Japanese folklore/soul singers), Noboru Yasuda (Noh Actor) and his team
19:30-21:00 Live Talk
Takashi Ikegami, Ken Mogi, Naohiro Ukawa and more.
21:00-23:00 After Party
Itsuki Doi, Tomohito Wakui, Yusaku Arai, evala
Streamed by DOMMUNE
9月に延期されたTOKYO ALIFE 2020にさきがけ、アンドロイドによる「傀儡神楽」とライブトークを、DOMMUNEにて配信いたします。
曲目は、民謡「奉拝節」「夜神楽せり歌」、映画『攻殻機動隊』の続編である『イノセンス』より「傀儡謡 怨恨みて散る」。
本来この日は、国際カンファレンス「TOKYO ALIFE 2020」の開催日でしたが、新型コロナウィルスのため、延期いたしました。
19:00-19:30 傀儡神楽 ALTER the Android KAGURA−出演:オルタ(アンドロイド)、安田登(能楽師)、西田社中(民謡ユニット)
−曲⽬:奉拝節 / 攻殻機動隊2『イノセンス』より「傀儡謡」 / 夜神楽せり歌
19:30-21:00 トークライブ池上高志、茂木健一郎、宇川直宏ほか
21:00-23:00 アフターパーティー土井樹、湧井智仁、荒井優作、evalaほか
配信:DOMMUNE 2020年9月18日(金)、19日(土)「TOKYO ALIFE 2020」Ticket 購入はこちら:Peatix ※TOKYO ALIFE 2020 Ver.0 は、集団感染の発生リスクを最小限に抑えた環境で無観客でのストリーミングを実施いたします。 ● 感染拡大リスクの高い3要素(密閉・密集・密接)の回避 ● 手洗い、会場衛生の徹底 TOKYO ALIFE 2020 Ver.0 will be streamed in an environment that minimizes the risk of outbreaks. ● Avoidance of factors with a high risk of infection spread ● Thorough hand washing and venue hygieneCast
Alter3 (Supported by mixi, Inc.)
西田社中 Nishida Shachu
安田登 Noboru Yasuda
大金智 Satoshi Oogane
金沢霞 Kasumi Kanazawa
名和紀子 Noriko Nawa
土井樹 Itsuki Doi
『奉拝節』 Hohai-Bushi
Vocal 西田社中 Nishida Shachu
Arranged by 土井樹 Itsuki Doi
『傀儡謡 怨恨みて散る』 (「イノセンス」より)
Kugutsu Uta Ura Mite Chiru from Ghost in the shell 2: Innocence
Vocal 西田社中 Nishida Shachu
Special thanks to:
川井憲次 Kenji Kawai
プロダクション・アイジー Production I. G
フライングドッグ Flying Dog
『夜神楽せり歌』 Yokagura Seri Uta
Vocal 西田社中 Nishida Shachu
Arranged by 土井樹 Itsuki Doi
Stage Production
涌井智仁 Tomohito Wakui
Alter3 Performance system development:
升森敦士 Atsushi Masumori
丸山典宏 Norihiro Maruyama
Alter3 Performance control interface development and operation:
Alter3 software design and development:
升森敦士 Atsushi Masumori
丸山典宏 Norihiro Maruyama
株式会社オルタナティヴ・マシン Alternative Machine Inc.
Alter3 simulator development:
株式会社ミクシィ mixi, Inc.
Special thanks to:
大阪大学石黒研究室 Hiroshi Ishiguro Lab./ Osaka University
東京大学池上研究室 Takashi Ikegami Lab./ The University of Tokyo
株式会社オルタナティヴ・マシン Alternative Machine Inc.
株式会社ミクシィ mixi, Inc.
Public Relations
榎戸海 Umi Enokido
Operated by KIRINZI Inc.
鈴木智彦 Tomohiko Suzuki
岸努 Tsutomu Kishi
寺田カツオ Katsuo Terada
Produced by μ.Inc.
今岡雅依子 Maiko Imaoka
土本真紀 Maki Tsuchimoto
中村桃子 Momoko Nakamura
池上高志 Takashi Ikegami